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Are You Eligible for Life Insurance?

Nov 07, 2023 By Triston Martin

Are you considering purchasing life insurance but need to know your eligibility criteria? Life insurance is a valuable protection for you and your family should the worst happen. It is fortunate enough to have been accepted, but it still needs to figure out its benefits or how it works.

Don't worry! In this blog post, we'll walk through everything you need to know about whether you're eligible for life insurance and how best to use it. Read on - and get all the facts before making any decisions.

What is life insurance, and how does it work?

Life insurance is a contract between an insurer and the policyholder, where the insurer admit to pay out a designated sum of money (the 'benefit') in the event of death or other specified circumstances.

The payment amount depends on the type of policy you undertake but usually covers final expenses and any outstanding debts or mortgages.

Life insurance costs vary according to the insurer and are typically based on age, health, and lifestyle. Generally speaking, the younger you are, the lower your premiums will be - but this isn't always true.

When considering life insurance, it's important to remember that although a policy might seem expensive now, it could save your family thousands of dollars in the long run if something unexpected occurs.

Who is eligible for life insurance?

In most cases, anyone over 18 with no major health issues can apply for a life insurance policy. However, this rule always has exceptions, and some insurers may refuse certain applicants depending on their circumstances.

For example, if you have a history of serious illness or disability, you may not be eligible for certain policies.

It's also important to remember that life insurance costs increase with age - although a policy taken out when you're young may seem expensive, it could save your family thousands in the long run.

As such, it may be worth considering taking out a policy early on in life, even if you don't need one immediately.

What are the benefits of life insurance?

The most obvious benefit of taking out a life insurance policy is that it provides financial security for your family should something unexpected occur.

This can give you and your loved ones peace of mind, knowing that any outstanding debts or mortgages will be taken care of in the event of death.

What's the Difference Between Permanent and Term Life Insurance?

There are two main options for life insurance: permanent and term life insurance. Each has its benefits, so it's important to understand their differences.

Permanent life insurance is designed to cover you for your entire life as long as you continue to pay your premiums. This means it's more expensive than term life insurance but also provides a larger payout in the event of your death. It also offers cash value, which may be used to pay premiums or withdrawn as a loan.

On the other hand, term life insurance is much less expensive and offers coverage only for a set length of time. This makes it a more affordable option for those who want life insurance but don't need long-term protection.

It also offers no cash value and doesn't accumulate interest over time - so it's important to weigh your options carefully before deciding.

What Should I Consider When Deciding If I Need Life Insurance?

Consider your specific needs when deciding whether to take out life insurance. Everyone's financial circumstances are unique, so it's important to consider what you want from the policy and how much coverage is right for you.

Questions like "What would happen if I die?" or "Will my family have enough money to pay for funeral expenses?" are important to ask yourself. Life insurance provides the financial means to cover these costs should something happen, ensuring your family's well-being and security.

Why you (or your parents) might still need insurance

Though you may be eligible for life insurance now, that doesn't mean it's not a good idea to consider purchasing coverage in the future. Your age and health can change, making you less likely to qualify for good rates or coverage.

And while your parents may have already purchased insurance themselves, it's still important to make sure they have enough coverage to ensure that you'll be taken care of financially in the event of their deaths.

How to apply for life insurance and get accepted

Applying for life insurance can be a straightforward process, but there are key steps to ensure acceptance. Before applying, it's important to understand your needs and budget so that you can settle on the right policy for you.

From there, you can shop around to compare rates and coverage levels from different insurers and read up on the fine print regarding exclusions or other limitations of each policy.

Once you decide and apply, the insurer will likely require a medical exam to determine your eligibility - but don't worry, most life insurance companies cover the cost of these exams.

Health Considerations when Applying for a Policy

When applying for life insurance, you will be asked various health-related questions. Insurance companies use this information to determine your level of risk and how much they should charge in premiums.

Generally, insurance providers will ask about any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect your ability to receive coverage. The insurer also needs to know if anything could increase your risk of developing a serious or life-threatening condition in the future, such as a family history of heart disease.

Your overall health and lifestyle can also be considered when applying for life insurance. Your age, gender, job type, smoking habits, and alcohol consumption are all factors that the insurer will consider. Sometimes, they may even ask you for a medical examination before offering you coverage.


Do you get life insurance with your super?

No, life insurance typically isn't included in superannuation. However, you can purchase life insurance through your super fund or a standalone policy. Speak to your financial adviser if you need clarification on your best option.

Am I too young to get life insurance?

No - generally speaking, anyone over 18 can get life insurance. However, it's important to remember that the earlier you purchase a policy, the cheaper the premiums will be. It's also worth noting that certain conditions may affect your eligibility - speak to a financial adviser if you're concerned about this.

What types of policies are available?

There are two main types of life insurance policies - term life and whole life. Term life insurance covers a specific period (usually up to 10 years), while whole-life insurance covers you until 100. Speak to an adviser about which type of policy is best for your needs.


When it comes to life insurance, understanding your eligibility criteria is important. While some people may be automatically eligible for certain policies, others must meet specific requirements to buy coverage. It's best to research the different options and compare them to find the one that best fits your needs. Once you understand what you're covered for, read all the fine print before purchasing. Life insurance is an investment in your family's future, so take the time to get it right.

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